Just a quick update on my transformation...
I am still working toward my goal of being in the best shape of my life; however, I have been slacking on my weight training and it shows. My businesses have gotten busier, which is great, but that means my schedule has become a little more erratic. I do not like to make excuses so I have decided to do my weight training in the morning rather than the evening on days where I will experience a conflict or time crunch. There...I have put it in writing and shared it with anyone who cares to see it. My plan is official now.
Be sure to check back every now and then to see how I am doing on this quest. At 43 years old I feel better than I have ever felt and love the way my body looks as a result of my efforts.
Getting better every day!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
There's No Stopping Me!

I am still working out not only because I love how my body is looking but because it is how I maintain my sanity. Carlene of Mommy's Body came by last week and gave me some killer upper body exercises so I should see some definition in my arms and back soon. I have been doing the leg workout she suggested, but a couple of the days I had some terrible pain in my left knee that made it difficult to do lunges. The photo above was taken about a month ago and i like it because I look lean with a bit of definition to my arms. I will keep posting periodic updates as I get new photos or have new milestones to announce.
Thanks for checking in!
Carlene Steenekamp,
Lisa Mueller,
Mommy's Body,
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tight Curves Transformation Challenge - Part II
Yesterday I sent in my "after" photos for the second 12 week Challenge in which I was chosen to participate. I have included all three sets of photographs- "before", "during" and "after". "After" is not the end though, so be on the look out for more progress photos in the future. Carlene came by yesterday morning and I stepped on the Magic Scale once a gain and...I am so excited with my results! I lost almost 3% more body fat and gained some lean muscle mass so I am definitely on my way to meeting my overall goals. My fabulously fit friend, Carlene, who is a personal trainer and owner of Mommy's Body Health & Wellness, spent over an hour with me showing me a whole new lower body weight training program including plyometrics that will build muscle in my legs and butt. I am sore today but it's that good sore that lets you know you have muscles being built.
All this just goes to show there is hope for a 43 year-old woman to get in the best shape of her life. It's not easy and it takes time, discipline, hard work and dedication. But I think it is worth, don't you?

These are the "before" photos from December 10, 2008
These are the "after" photos from February 28, 2009

These are the photographs from May 29, 2009...TRANSFORMING!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Still Transforming and Working My Butt Off!
Just a quick update to let everyone know that I am still transforming and working my butt off! Carlene stopped by today with the Magic Scale and I am so thrilled to see that my body fat percentage is down. I lost some inches overall but it was all BF and only a teensy bit of lean muscle which is fantastic. Carlene will be putting together a new workout to focus on my lower body- legs and glutes need so much more work than anything else at this point. She's also going to address my nutrition plan which has been rather lame lately. I eat, but don't stick to what I should and sometimes don't eat enough. Lastly, I am going to ease back on my cardio since it is pretty much overkill at this point. One 30-45 minute session in the morning is fine for now and I figure on non-weight training days I can also go for a run in the afternoon if the mood strikes me. I have been walking with my niece, Kristin, and we split pushing her kids in a stroller on a five mile walk up and down hills a couple of days a week which is some really awesome exercise. We're thinking about renting the kids and stroller out to help people get in shape!
Well...progress is being made and I look forward to the day when I am training for a competition. Yes, I said it. It makes me really nervous to think about it but it would be really awesome to have a goal to work toward of that magnitude.
Until next time...keep your chin up and keep your eyes focused on your goals and you will succeed!
Well...progress is being made and I look forward to the day when I am training for a competition. Yes, I said it. It makes me really nervous to think about it but it would be really awesome to have a goal to work toward of that magnitude.
Until next time...keep your chin up and keep your eyes focused on your goals and you will succeed!
Carlene Steenekamp,
Lisa Mueller,
Mommy's Body,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tight Curves Transformation Challenge People's Choice Award :: Vote For Me!
I need your help! As you know, I participated in the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge, a nearly 12 week fitness challenge sponsored by Tight Curves between December 10, 2008 and February 28, 2009. I used their products for the duration of the Challenge as well as ramped up my workouts and changed my eating with the guidance of Carlene Steenekamp who is not only my friend, but a personal trainer and owner of Mommy’s Body Health and Wellness. You can see from my before and after photos that I did work really hard and I still am. Tight Curves sponsored about 20 of the participants, including me, with products for another 12 weeks so we could transform even more. How awesome is that?!
So here is how I need you help…Tight Curves has posted the winner of the Transformation Challenge and posted the finalists for a People’s Choice vote. Please vote for me (and the two other challengers you think made the greatest improvement)! Click here to get to the voting website. You will find me a little more than halfway down the page (Lisa Mueller) and then simply make your selections at the top of the page for first through third place. This was an unbelievable experience for me and I would love to win the People’s Choice! Voting ends on May 15th so don't wait, do it now! :)
Voting website :: http://www.tightcurves.net/transformation-challengers.aspx
I will continue to post periodic updates, including my second “after” photos in mid-June!
So here is how I need you help…Tight Curves has posted the winner of the Transformation Challenge and posted the finalists for a People’s Choice vote. Please vote for me (and the two other challengers you think made the greatest improvement)! Click here to get to the voting website. You will find me a little more than halfway down the page (Lisa Mueller) and then simply make your selections at the top of the page for first through third place. This was an unbelievable experience for me and I would love to win the People’s Choice! Voting ends on May 15th so don't wait, do it now! :)
Voting website :: http://www.tightcurves.net/transformation-challengers.aspx
I will continue to post periodic updates, including my second “after” photos in mid-June!
Thanks for helping me out!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sugar Overload...Getting It Out of My System
Just a quick post to say that I finally gave in to my chocolate chip cookie craving over the weekend. I will be honest and say that is wasn't so much a chocolate chip cookie craving as a chocolate chip cookie dough craving. There I said it! I really wanted to make the dough from scratch but did not have many of the ingredients on hand. I think there is an unopened bag of flour in the cabinet and some crusty, old light brown sugar, but no regular sugar or any chocolate chips. So I guess I could have made a slightly sugary flour paste if I had really wanted to, but that would not have been at all the same as chocolate chip cookie dough, now would it?
So, Saturday afternoon Allan went to the store and got a package of the refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough and I made six cookies. We split them. And then I ate the dough equivalent of like six more out of the package with a spoon. Yummy! I had trouble sleeping that night and I felt kind of yucky in the morning, but do you think I learned anything from that? No!
Sunday afternoon Allan said he was going to go photograph a couple of houses for a real estate agent but he kept hanging around and wouldn't leave. I finally made him leave and then proceeded to eat, with a spoon, about half of the chocolate chip cookie dough that was left. Think I learned anything yet? No! Later that night I made the rest of the dough into cookies and ate about three more chocolate chip cookies and some more dough. Now, I finally learned my lesson!
I have never felt so crappy after eating something (except when I had food poisoning) in my whole life. I felt yucky all through the night and couldn't wait for morning to come so I could go back to eating correctly. I was so overloaded on sugar it was crazy. The craving has been satisfied and I don't know when I will want to eat chocolate chip cookie dough again, if ever. Well, let's be realistic here, I know I will eat chocolate chip cookie dough again, but it will be a long, long time.
This is why people cannot be on a "program" and eat a certain way consistently and go off of it and expect their body to react favorably. My body was mad at me...I think it still is. But I have apologized to it and I think I am making some progress mending our relationship.
So long, sugar!
So, Saturday afternoon Allan went to the store and got a package of the refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough and I made six cookies. We split them. And then I ate the dough equivalent of like six more out of the package with a spoon. Yummy! I had trouble sleeping that night and I felt kind of yucky in the morning, but do you think I learned anything from that? No!
Sunday afternoon Allan said he was going to go photograph a couple of houses for a real estate agent but he kept hanging around and wouldn't leave. I finally made him leave and then proceeded to eat, with a spoon, about half of the chocolate chip cookie dough that was left. Think I learned anything yet? No! Later that night I made the rest of the dough into cookies and ate about three more chocolate chip cookies and some more dough. Now, I finally learned my lesson!
I have never felt so crappy after eating something (except when I had food poisoning) in my whole life. I felt yucky all through the night and couldn't wait for morning to come so I could go back to eating correctly. I was so overloaded on sugar it was crazy. The craving has been satisfied and I don't know when I will want to eat chocolate chip cookie dough again, if ever. Well, let's be realistic here, I know I will eat chocolate chip cookie dough again, but it will be a long, long time.
This is why people cannot be on a "program" and eat a certain way consistently and go off of it and expect their body to react favorably. My body was mad at me...I think it still is. But I have apologized to it and I think I am making some progress mending our relationship.
So long, sugar!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Tight Curves Protein Powder and Fat Burner Capsules Have Arrived
I am so excited to have received my 6 lb. jug of Tight Curves Vanilla Bean Protein Powder along with two bags of Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules. If you have not tried any of the Tight Curves products yet, do it now! This is very delicious protein powder and it tastes great in plain old water, but is an absolute treat when enjoyed in skim milk. It's almost like a shake!
I swear the Fat Burner (in addition to an hour of hard cardio almost each day) is what helped me reduce my fat percentage so greatly in the first three months. I am still working out hard and have been pushing myself more with my weight training. I have GOT to build up my legs and butt. Unfortunately, I was born with chicken legs (as Allan affectionately refers to them) and a long, flat butt (thanks Mom!) so I have to work harder on these areas than some people, like J-Lo for instance, do.
I will have Allan do some photographs of my 4 month progress by the end of the month for those of you following my progress. Remember, I need your comments and critiques! I am waiting to find out who has been chosen as the Tight Curves "People's Choice" finalists for the on-line voting as well as seeing the Challenge winner's photos. I need some inspiration!!!
I swear the Fat Burner (in addition to an hour of hard cardio almost each day) is what helped me reduce my fat percentage so greatly in the first three months. I am still working out hard and have been pushing myself more with my weight training. I have GOT to build up my legs and butt. Unfortunately, I was born with chicken legs (as Allan affectionately refers to them) and a long, flat butt (thanks Mom!) so I have to work harder on these areas than some people, like J-Lo for instance, do.
I will have Allan do some photographs of my 4 month progress by the end of the month for those of you following my progress. Remember, I need your comments and critiques! I am waiting to find out who has been chosen as the Tight Curves "People's Choice" finalists for the on-line voting as well as seeing the Challenge winner's photos. I need some inspiration!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
And the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge Winner Is...
...not me, but don't think that this will keep me down, dampen my spirits or cause me to give up on my physical transformation. Ummm, hell no! It's actually going to make me work harder so that I will have a stronger and more solid physique at the end of the extended Transformation Challenge some time in June. Not only was I sponsored for another 12 weeks, but I also receive a $100 credit for Tight Curves products. Yay, now I can try the Chocolate Protein! Carlene says it is yummy!! I will keep everyone posted on the next phase of judging the "People's Choice" which will be the top 20 Challenge finishers who will be posted on the Tight Curves website and the public will vote on their favorite. You can guarantee if I am one of those lucky women you will be asked (required!) to vote for me. So, even though I wasn't the BIG winner for the Challenge I have made such great improvements that I really feel like a winner (and a little bit like a dork for making such a big deal about this whole deal)!
...and the winner is...
Congratulations to Christine Woods Team Tight Curves Member Winner and Angel Miller Transformation Challenge Winner. (Angel's photos will be posted on the Tight Curves website soon and I can't wait to see what I was up against...)
...and the winner is...
Congratulations to Christine Woods Team Tight Curves Member Winner and Angel Miller Transformation Challenge Winner. (Angel's photos will be posted on the Tight Curves website soon and I can't wait to see what I was up against...)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Goods News :: But Still No News on the Challenge Winner...
Today's good news is that I was one of 20 Tight Curves Transformation Challenge contestants to be chosen to be sponsored with Tight Curves product for another 12 weeks. Tom asked anyone who was interested to send an e-mail with their measurable goal(s) and a commitment to complete the next 12 weeks. I was on that offer in a second! I don't necessarily need any assistance with keeping motivated but the added bonus of being able to incorporate the Tight Curves products into my fitness plan is a definite added bonus.
I am sticking to my nutrition program that I have been on for the past three months and have upped my cardio to include actual running and pushed up my level of simulated running of the elliptical. My knee has been hassling me some but I think it is getting stronger and will eventually be less painful.
Well, I am still waiting for the winner of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge to be announced...I didn't realize how much this competition meant to me...I just want to see who won so I can see how much harder I should have pushed myself (I have been trying not to think that I didn't win, but I kind of figure since I was given the option of continuing the Challenge that I wasn't, unless that is just a tactic by them not to give the winner away...)
I am sticking to my nutrition program that I have been on for the past three months and have upped my cardio to include actual running and pushed up my level of simulated running of the elliptical. My knee has been hassling me some but I think it is getting stronger and will eventually be less painful.
Well, I am still waiting for the winner of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge to be announced...I didn't realize how much this competition meant to me...I just want to see who won so I can see how much harder I should have pushed myself (I have been trying not to think that I didn't win, but I kind of figure since I was given the option of continuing the Challenge that I wasn't, unless that is just a tactic by them not to give the winner away...)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Update :: Sticking With It
Just in case anyone thought that once the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge was over I would quit the cardio, walk away from the weights or ditch the diet...you'd be wrong. I have stuck with my fitness and nutritional program and continued to work toward the fittest me ever! Yes, I did go off the wagon a bit this week when we were out of town for some photography seminars and I shared some cheesecake with Allan, but i am right back on that wagon now.
The Tight Curves Transformation Challenge winner should be announced this week. Over 100 women finished the Challenge so there were a lot of "before" and "after" photos to review before the final winner could be chosen. There is the possibility that the top 10 finalists (after the winner) could be posted on-line for a People's Choice Award which would be determined by votes from the public. I would love to end up a finalist! Plus Tight Curves is offering 20 participants the opportunity to be sponsored to continue the Challenge for another 12 weeks, so I was sure to reply to Tom with my two measurable goals.
I will be posting to this blog more frequently if I am given the opportunity to continue the Challenge because it really helped keep me accountable as far as what I was eating and how much cardio and weight training I was completing.
Wish me luck!
The Tight Curves Transformation Challenge winner should be announced this week. Over 100 women finished the Challenge so there were a lot of "before" and "after" photos to review before the final winner could be chosen. There is the possibility that the top 10 finalists (after the winner) could be posted on-line for a People's Choice Award which would be determined by votes from the public. I would love to end up a finalist! Plus Tight Curves is offering 20 participants the opportunity to be sponsored to continue the Challenge for another 12 weeks, so I was sure to reply to Tom with my two measurable goals.
I will be posting to this blog more frequently if I am given the opportunity to continue the Challenge because it really helped keep me accountable as far as what I was eating and how much cardio and weight training I was completing.
Wish me luck!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, February 28 :: Final Day and After Photos
Today marked the end of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and I celebrated with pizza and beer for dinner. Woo Hoo! Allan took my after photos for me (warning: photos are posted below and may scare small children so please use caution while viewing ;)) and I was very impressed with the way my body is transforming. I still have a long way to go but for a 43 year old woman I think I look pretty good.
Carlene used her magical machine on me Thursday afternoon and I learned that my hard work is paying off! I have lost 15 pounds, 5% of my body fat, one inch off my hips and three inches off my waist. Good riddance! Sadly, I lost about 3 inches off my chest, however; on the plus side my metabolic age went from 30 to 20! Yay me!
I asked Tom at Bodywell Nutrition to consider sponsoring me with their product for another 12 weeks. They said they would possibly do this for anyone who finishes the Challenge and is motivated. That's me! Unless, of course, I am the winner and then I think I still get some more Tight Curves product to try. I will definitely post whether or not I win or get to continue using the product at no charge. Wish me luck! I will be continuing to work toward my goal of a totally lean, fit and healthy body and will post my progress but probably not a daily journal of my training and nutrition as it has been a rather time-consuming task.
Let me know if you have come across my blog and been inspired to pursue a fitness challenge of your own!
AM: 35 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda w/ 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Two slices Mellow Mushroom meat pizza and two Stella's
Dessert: Cheese blintz with strawberry sauce and two snack size Milky Way bars
Lots of water

Before - Front

After - Front
Before - Back

Special thanks to Carlene Steenekamp at Mommy's Body for getting me involved in the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and providing the nutrition and workout information I needed to get from "before" to "after" and beyond. Please contact Carlene if you would like to experience your own transformation challenge.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, February 27
Tomorrow is the last day of the Challenge and I am so excited for my "after" photos!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Spaghetti and Ragu sauce with ground beef
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Some sort of diet soup my Mom fixed that was actually OK for me to eat, lots of protein and veggies in it. I also ate a half a peanut butter sandwich.
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Spaghetti and Ragu sauce with ground beef
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Some sort of diet soup my Mom fixed that was actually OK for me to eat, lots of protein and veggies in it. I also ate a half a peanut butter sandwich.
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, February 26
Carlene from Mommy's Body (I know, even though I don't have a Mommy's Body I still need guidance and Carlene is the perfect coach) came by to update my stats and it was awesome. More on this in Saturday's post since it is the last day of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge. Check out Carlene's website for more information about what she can do for pre- and post-natal women or any woman who would like to change the shape she is in.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #4/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken taco salad
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #4/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken taco salad
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, February 25
After tonight I only have three more workouts until I take the "after" photos. I am waiting to hear back from Carlene on when she will be coming to do my "after" analysis, but I hope it is tomorrow so I can be even more excited for the last couple of days. WOO HOO!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda w/ 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast with rice and diced tomatoes
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda w/ 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast with rice and diced tomatoes
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, February 24
One really great thing about changing my eating habits...no extra food in the house and nothing going to waste in the fridge. Oh and there is a number two...Allan has lost 10 pounds! YAY Allan!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Rice, diced tomatoes, chicken (Yup...same thing, but a little different every night)
Dessert: Sugar-free Jello
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Rice, diced tomatoes, chicken (Yup...same thing, but a little different every night)
Dessert: Sugar-free Jello
Lots of water
Monday, February 23, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, February 23
Not many days left in the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and I am really really really excited about my progress. I am totally having bizarre (for me!) food cravings: a hamburger with cheese (so, yeah, a cheeseburger) and sweet potato fries and oatmeal, chocolate chip, raisin, nut cookies. And you know what? I am totally going to have all that, in moderation, of course, because the last thing this woman is going to do is jeopardize all the hard work I have been doing since December 10th! Maybe I will post photos of my indulgence!!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Pasta, diced tomatoes, chicken (amazingly this is NOT getting old with me or Allan...)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Pasta, diced tomatoes, chicken (amazingly this is NOT getting old with me or Allan...)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, February 22
Sunday, NASCAR, what more can I say, except that I got my workouts in!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #4/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Pasta, diced tomatoes, chicken
Dessert: Jello and cottage cheese
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #4/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: 2 tbsp. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Pasta, diced tomatoes, chicken
Dessert: Jello and cottage cheese
Lots of water
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, February 21
I felt really tired today and actually when I went to bed on Friday night I was really cold and really tired so maybe my body was trying to tell me to take it easy. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, after all, I am only supposed to be doing 4 days of weight training, not seven!
AM: N/A (Oh my gosh...I never miss AM cardio...but I was feeling really weird, exhausted almost, so I decided it could wait until I gained some energy)
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A (again, not feeling quite right most of the day, better to give the body a rest than push too hard)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/4 cup cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Snacked on cheese and veggies (and a piece of chocolate) at an event also had two small glasses of wine. Ate one slice of bread and two tbsp. peanut butter in the evening
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: N/A (Oh my gosh...I never miss AM cardio...but I was feeling really weird, exhausted almost, so I decided it could wait until I gained some energy)
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A (again, not feeling quite right most of the day, better to give the body a rest than push too hard)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/4 cup cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Snacked on cheese and veggies (and a piece of chocolate) at an event also had two small glasses of wine. Ate one slice of bread and two tbsp. peanut butter in the evening
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Friday, February 20, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, February 20
The end of the Tight Curves Challenge is nearing and I am so excited about taking my "after" photo. Be sure to check out my "before" photo in the first post if you need a little chuckle.
AM: 34 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Rice, diced tomatoes, chicken
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
AM: 34 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (110 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Rice, diced tomatoes, chicken
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, February 19
I went to lunch with my mom and she tried to make sure she picked someplace good for me. The dish I chose was very tasty and although it involved rice I don't think it was too bad for me. Allan and I shared the leftovers from both our meals for dinner.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Firecracker Beef at Wok Hay, egg drop soup, crunchy noodles, 2 crab rangoon
Afternoon snack: 2 tbps. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Leftover Firecracker Beef and Chicken and Broccoli from lunch
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Firecracker Beef at Wok Hay, egg drop soup, crunchy noodles, 2 crab rangoon
Afternoon snack: 2 tbps. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Leftover Firecracker Beef and Chicken and Broccoli from lunch
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
Allan Mueller,
Lisa Mueller,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, February 18
I think that the only challenging for me right now about the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge is keeping up with this blog...I was doing really well when I was boycotting the messy office and working in the living room because my laptop was right there out in the open. Now that the swirling vortex Allan and I refer to as our office has been reorganized and is fit to co-work in again, I have a tendency to overlook the laptop and neglect my posting to this particular blog. No problems keeping up with our ALM Photo blog or my Sassy Glass Studio blog, but for some reason I have been neglecting myself in the way of my personal blog!
Well, now that I have that rant out of the way...on with the real reason I have this blog :: MY PROGRESS!
I am really excited about the end of the Challenge. Not because it will be over, but because I want to find out if I am the big winner. I have really amde some big (for me) visual changes :: little to no back fat, absolutely no muffin top, my size 6 pants (with and without stretch) are too big, I have an ass-load of energy, I feel stronger, I feel sexier and I feel like I am going to take advantage of BodyWell's offer of getting another 12 weeks of supplements.
Well, now that I have that rant out of the way...on with the real reason I have this blog :: MY PROGRESS!
I am really excited about the end of the Challenge. Not because it will be over, but because I want to find out if I am the big winner. I have really amde some big (for me) visual changes :: little to no back fat, absolutely no muffin top, my size 6 pants (with and without stretch) are too big, I have an ass-load of energy, I feel stronger, I feel sexier and I feel like I am going to take advantage of BodyWell's offer of getting another 12 weeks of supplements.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: GridIron Burger Personal Fowl salad with blue cheese dressing Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Rice, diced tomatoes, chicken Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, February 17
Feeling good about my progress...but I just wish I hadn't lost so much weight. I need to replace it with muscle and my body is not giving me the results I want...and I know it is me because I could probably push harder. I am afraid of hurting my knees any more than they already are. I am such a wuss!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: An assortment of protein at PF Changs and two Ichiban beers (belated birthday dinner...and I don't pass up a free meal!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water - but maybe not enough as I had terrible pains in my abdominal area in the afternoon and into the evening (and all through the night and into the next morning...) Strange!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: An assortment of protein at PF Changs and two Ichiban beers (belated birthday dinner...and I don't pass up a free meal!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water - but maybe not enough as I had terrible pains in my abdominal area in the afternoon and into the evening (and all through the night and into the next morning...) Strange!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, February 16
Less than two weeks to go in the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and I am so excited! I have been pushing myself and I feel great.
AM: 46 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Leftover soup - veggies with chicken and rice
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Roasted chicken and egg noodles (I ate some skin...it was fantastic)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 46 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #3/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Leftover soup - veggies with chicken and rice
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Roasted chicken and egg noodles (I ate some skin...it was fantastic)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, February 15
My will-power wavered a bit today...I are a brownie! Yummo!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: No breakfast, late for church
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Snacked on fruit and veggies at a get together (and ate a brownie...it was really good!)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Vegetable soup with chicken and rice (leftovers from Friday!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #2/Lower Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: No breakfast, late for church
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Snacked on fruit and veggies at a get together (and ate a brownie...it was really good!)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Vegetable soup with chicken and rice (leftovers from Friday!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day! Ahhh, this was the day that I felt really tired and it was a chore to do my AM cardio so I didn't push myself and felt so much better for the rest of the day. I got a lot of things done around the house so I was really pleased with a mini-day off!
AM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Two slices Pizza Hut pizza and a Miller Lite (hey, it was Valentine's Day...I had to live a little!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Two slices Pizza Hut pizza and a Miller Lite (hey, it was Valentine's Day...I had to live a little!)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Friday, February 13, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, February 13
AM: 45 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Baked chicken breast and brown rice
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 45 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Workout #1/Upper Body
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Baked chicken breast and brown rice
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, February 12
Still hanging n there. I have been a forgetful about posting my daily "reports", but I am getting caught up!
AM: 31 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad at Chinese Buffet and a small plate of protein laden Chinese items- chicken etc. (We attended at meeting and I didn't know what the protocol was for eating/not eating during it. Next time I will know that I can eat before i get there or when I get home)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 31 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad at Chinese Buffet and a small plate of protein laden Chinese items- chicken etc. (We attended at meeting and I didn't know what the protocol was for eating/not eating during it. Next time I will know that I can eat before i get there or when I get home)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, February 11
Back on my regular schedule of eating and exercise! I already feel better (not that I felt that bad eating some great pizza in FL) but my body needed to get back on track. My legs are still sore from running and I plan to do some more tomorrow either inside or out depending on how my day goes. Only 16 more days left in the Transformation Challenge.
AM: 45 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Leg workout #4
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: 5 crackers with peanut butter (2 tbs)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: lettuce salad with vinaigrette dressing, angel hair with a hamburg, onion, garlic and tomato sauce
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 45 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Leg workout #4
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: 5 crackers with peanut butter (2 tbs)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey (150 cals) and soup (140 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: lettuce salad with vinaigrette dressing, angel hair with a hamburg, onion, garlic and tomato sauce
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, February 10
No training today, just a lot of driving. I got home around 8pm and it was too late to workout (plus I hadn't eaten since lunch and was hungry)...
No training...drove all day
Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Lettuce with balsamic vinegar dressing and one slice bead and 6 slices turkey
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Dinner: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey and soup (110 cals)
Lots of water
No training...drove all day
Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Lettuce with balsamic vinegar dressing and one slice bead and 6 slices turkey
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Dinner: One slice bread and 6 slices turkey and soup (110 cals)
Lots of water
Monday, February 9, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, February 9
Still in Florida and trying to get back on track with my nutrition and training...eating better and went for a walk/run this AM. Loved it even though I will be sore tomorrow and my knee will be swollen. I drive all day tomorrow but then I will be getting back to my regular schedule. I only have 18 days left for the Transformation Challenge so I better work really hard.
AM: 40 minutes walk/run (more running than walking)
PM: 40 minute walk on beach with bare feet
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: White Chicken Chili and one-half turkey sandwich on marbled rye (no condiments) with lettuce and tomato
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: N/A
Dinner: Salmon, kidney beans and mixed veggies
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 40 minutes walk/run (more running than walking)
PM: 40 minute walk on beach with bare feet
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: White Chicken Chili and one-half turkey sandwich on marbled rye (no condiments) with lettuce and tomato
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: N/A
Dinner: Salmon, kidney beans and mixed veggies
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Training and Food Journal: February 5 through 8
Well, I really thought that I would be able to keep up with my training and nutrition while I headed down to Jacksonville, FL for a few days of relaxation and to check out an art show in Mt. Dora., but I wasn't very successful. I did cardio on Thursday AM and ate on my program all day, but once I arrived at my destination I have not adhered like I thought I would. I have not done any legitimate cardio or weight training either. I am going to have to bust my butt when I get back to town...
I am still loving the Challenge and look forward to seeing just how hard I can push myself until the end of the Challenge on February 28.
I am still loving the Challenge and look forward to seeing just how hard I can push myself until the end of the Challenge on February 28.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, February 4
Today was my birthday and my fifth anniversary so I did take this opportunity to have a normal person's dinner...at the sushi buffet complete with some steak, scallop and shrimp hibachi. It was yummy! I am going to on the road tomorrow headed to Jacksonville, Florida for a visit with my friend Carol and to go check out an art show in Mt. Dora over the weekend. I am hoping that the little gym at Carol's condo complex will have some decent equipment so I can get my workouts in while I am there. I have already warned her that I will be staying on my nutrition program as best I can. YAY!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 16 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders, chest, back (new workout from Carlene)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, Splenda and 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Chicken salad with blue cheese dressing at GridIron Burger
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Overindulgence of sushi and hibachi @ Makino (free dinner for my birthday!) & one Miller Lite
Dessert: One bite of ice cream
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 16 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders, chest, back (new workout from Carlene)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, Splenda and 1/4 apple
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Chicken salad with blue cheese dressing at GridIron Burger
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Overindulgence of sushi and hibachi @ Makino (free dinner for my birthday!) & one Miller Lite
Dessert: One bite of ice cream
Lots of water
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I received some new workouts from Carlene today and got right on it. My legs will definitely be sore tomorrow but that is great. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 43 years old. I can still remember when I was 18 (and even younger) and I am in better shape now than I have been in years. I love my birthday, it's the best day of the year!
AM: 40 minutes treadmill
PM: 22 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Legs (new workout from Carlene)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, Splenda and 1/4 apple
Snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese (reduced fat)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken with rice, diced tomatoes, onions and garlic with a salad of lettuce, onions and baby carrots
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
AM: 40 minutes treadmill
PM: 22 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Legs (new workout from Carlene)
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, Splenda and 1/4 apple
Snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese (reduced fat)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken with rice, diced tomatoes, onions and garlic with a salad of lettuce, onions and baby carrots
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
Carlene Steenekamp,
Lisa Mueller,
Monday, February 2, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, February 2
I am back on track today with my training and nutrition. Whew! It's all good! We had some snow today and I wish I had known they had sleds at the grocery store...Allan and I could have gotten some extra exercise in on the hill in back of the house.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 21 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Back
Food:Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: Missed breakfast...got too busy and had to go to the chiropractor
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (140 cals)Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken with rice, diced tomatoes, onions and garlic with a small salad of lettuce and baby carrots
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 21 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Back
Food:Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: Missed breakfast...got too busy and had to go to the chiropractor
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (140 cals)Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken with rice, diced tomatoes, onions and garlic with a small salad of lettuce and baby carrots
Dessert: Sugar-free jello
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, February 1
Super Bowl Sunday and my nutrition program went all to heck for the day...but it was so worth it. I had a great dinner and I couldn't resist the Dove ice cream bar for dessert. I don't eat a lot of ice cream, but this was a divine treat. Back on course tomorrow!!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Biceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: Two tablespoons of peanut butter
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (110 cals)Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Steak, twice baked potato and asparagus and mushrooms
Dessert: Three brewskis and a Dove ice cream bar (Super Bowl party...)
Not enough water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Biceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: Two tablespoons of peanut butter
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (110 cals)Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Steak, twice baked potato and asparagus and mushrooms
Dessert: Three brewskis and a Dove ice cream bar (Super Bowl party...)
Not enough water
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, January 31
Busy day! We've been working on organizing the office and we finally got it done and then I had to pull some photographs for our new website and next thing I knew it was after 7pm, so that meant I missed out on my evening cardio and weight training. It's all good though!!!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: One tablespoon of peanut butter
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (110 cals)Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken, lettuce, baby carrots, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese and vinaigrette dressing in a salad Dessert: Two brewskis (220 cals), small amount of popcorn (no toppings)
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: One tablespoon of peanut butter
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (110 cals)Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken, lettuce, baby carrots, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese and vinaigrette dressing in a salad Dessert: Two brewskis (220 cals), small amount of popcorn (no toppings)
Lots of water
Friday, January 30, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, January 30
Crazy day! Busy morning, ran around all afternoon...lunch was late and so was dinner, hence the small dinner. No point in eating too much if I wasn't too hungry and it was late. Sleepy...time for a good nights rest!
AM: 52 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Chest
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: One Dark Chocolate caramel from the Chocolate Factory (lunch was super late and I had to walk past here...heavenly!)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (140 cals)Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and a large Starbucks coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 and Splenda
Dinner: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 52 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Chest
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: One Dark Chocolate caramel from the Chocolate Factory (lunch was super late and I had to walk past here...heavenly!)
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (140 cals)Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and a large Starbucks coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 and Splenda
Dinner: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals)
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, January 29
Carlene should be doing another body composition on me soon and I can't wait to see if anything has changed. She will also be sending me some new weight training exercises so I can build some serious muscle. I have shed about 7 pounds and now it's time to put it back on in the form of rock-hard muscles.
AM: 40 minutes treadmill
PM: 15 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 6 slices of turkey (70 cals) and Healthy Choice Soup (120 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: N/A Oops forgot my TC Fat Burner!!!
Dinner: Boneless breast of chicken with brown long grain rice
Dessert: Serving of sugar-free jello
Lots of water
Carlene Steenekamp,
Tight Curves,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, January 28
Another busy day working on reorganizing the office...but plenty of time to fit in my workouts!
AM: 50 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 1/2 can tuna and soup (100 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Spaghetti and sauce with beef, onions and garlic
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
AM: 50 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: One slice bread (80 cals), 1/2 can tuna and soup (100 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Spaghetti and sauce with beef, onions and garlic
Dessert: N/A
Lots of water
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, January 27
I am not the only one transforming in this house...the office is undergoing a major transformation. Allan and I have been reorganizing our teeny office from the disheveled mess it was into a fantastic open environment. Once everything is back in place we will be able to work more efficiently and effectively. I can't wait! Today was a great day and I although I didn't leave myself enough time at the end of the day to get in another 30 minutes of cardio, I had a great weight training workout. I will be making up the cardio tomorrow morning!!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 10 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Triceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Lettuce with can of tuna and balsamic vinegar dressing
Afternoon snack: 3 crackers and 2 tbps. cheese and artichoke dip
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Muscle Bound Chili and 4 crackers
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 10 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Triceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Lettuce with can of tuna and balsamic vinegar dressing
Afternoon snack: 3 crackers and 2 tbps. cheese and artichoke dip
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Muscle Bound Chili and 4 crackers
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
Monday, January 26, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, January 26
OK...back on track today! I did two sessions of cardio and my weight training. I increased the number of leg exercises I am doing and it felt great! In order to do well in this challenge I am going to have to do weight training everyday (well, maybe one day off if I am too busy or tired). I really need to put some muscle on my body...
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Lettuce with 6 slices of turkey, balsamic vinegar dressing
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad with lettuce, 1/2 oz. mozzarella cheese, onions and pan fried steak (cooked in olive oil with garlic) and a lite oil and vinegar dressing
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: N/A
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Lettuce with 6 slices of turkey, balsamic vinegar dressing
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese with Splenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad with lettuce, 1/2 oz. mozzarella cheese, onions and pan fried steak (cooked in olive oil with garlic) and a lite oil and vinegar dressing
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, January 25
Ugh! I just realized that I didn't do any weight training yesterday and thought I was giving myself a break by not doing any today, but all I did was set myself back! So, UGH! Oh well, that just means that I have just over one month left for the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and really have to bust it for the next 30 days. This includes the days around and after my birthday...not planning on doing anything crazy, but a beer would be nice!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (130 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (120 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese with Spenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Leftover chicken, rice and veggies and a lettuce salad with 1 oz. mozzarella cheese and balsamic vinegar dressing
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon and Splenda
Snack: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (130 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (120 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese with Spenda
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Leftover chicken, rice and veggies and a lettuce salad with 1 oz. mozzarella cheese and balsamic vinegar dressing
Dessert: Sugar-free jello and fruit cocktail in no-sugar
Lots of water
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, January 24
I am on a roll with increasing my cardio each day. Let's see if I can keep it up. I have to admit to a craving...I really want some oatmeal, raisin, chocolate chip and nut cookies. Not sure why because I can usually live without sweets, but it probably because I have been eating so much oatmeal...That must be it!!
AM: 52 minutes treadmill
PM: 28 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (100 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (120 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Taco soup (similar to the MB Chili, but not exactly...it was in the freezer and I hadn't gone to the grocery to get anything else for dinner)
Dessert: Honey bran muffin (150 cals)
Lots of water
AM: 52 minutes treadmill
PM: 28 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (100 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (120 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Taco soup (similar to the MB Chili, but not exactly...it was in the freezer and I hadn't gone to the grocery to get anything else for dinner)
Dessert: Honey bran muffin (150 cals)
Lots of water
Friday, January 23, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, January 23
Really got into the treadmill this morning...just kept on trucking. Now I will have to keep that up! Upped my level on the elliptical too. WOOHOO! I keep forgetting to note that I have a cup of tea each morning. I went off the coffee several weeks ago and have been drinking tea with a teaspoon of Splenda in it. I think every once in a while I forget some small random thing I have eaten but for the most part I include everything.
AM: 50 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (80 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese (and three bites of Allan's Reese's Sonic Blast...he's the devil!)
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast, brown rice, diced tomatoes and veggies; cup of skim milk
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
AM: 50 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (80 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese (and three bites of Allan's Reese's Sonic Blast...he's the devil!)
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast, brown rice, diced tomatoes and veggies; cup of skim milk
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
Allan Mueller,
Lisa Mueller,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, January 22
I am really feeling good about myself now that I am into the second half of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge. My clothes are fitting better and my body has gotten used to the fitness and nutrition program. Actually, eating isn't very exciting at all at this point. I have never been much of a foodie so it isn't surprising that I don't get all wound up about my diet. I really like chicken so I could eat the chicken breast every day if I had to. I try to add spices and make it interesting for Allan so that he won't get bored with the food. He's been a real trooper as I work through the Challenge. I just hope he realizes that this is now our way of life!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Biceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (130 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (150 cals)
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast, brown rice and diced tomatoes
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 25 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Biceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Soup (130 cals) and one slice bread and 6 slices of turkey (150 cals)
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Chicken breast, brown rice and diced tomatoes
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, January 21
Another great day! My body is really starting to feel stronger and I love it! Why am I so happy today? I just realized my 43rd birthday is in two weeks and I feel fantastic! I can only hope that I still look as good as I feel...
This Transformation Challenge is just the thing I needed to get me through what has turned out to be a rather rough time in my life. Getting better every day...
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Chest
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Personal Fowl salad/GridIron Burger and water
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Muscle Bound Chili, 1/2 oz. mozzarella, 6 crackers
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
This Transformation Challenge is just the thing I needed to get me through what has turned out to be a rather rough time in my life. Getting better every day...
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Chest
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Personal Fowl salad/GridIron Burger and water
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Muscle Bound Chili, 1/2 oz. mozzarella, 6 crackers
Snack: Serving of sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, January 20
Busy day! Nothing of particular interest to report today...well, except the Inauguration of the 44th President. But that doesn't really have anything to do with my Tight Curves Transformation Challenge.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Turkey sandwich- one slice Pepperidge Farm dark pump and 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad- iceberg lettuce, onion, chicken breast and raspberry flavored vinegar
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Pre-lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Lunch: Turkey sandwich- one slice Pepperidge Farm dark pump and 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad- iceberg lettuce, onion, chicken breast and raspberry flavored vinegar
Lots of water
Monday, January 19, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, January 19
It snowed today! My visit to the chiropractor was great this morning. My body is getting back to normal and then some, thanks to all the exercise I have been getting. It is hard to believe it was just three months ago that I couldn't even move my head let alone do an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training each day! Ahhh, how times change!
AM: 31 minutes treadmill
PM: 21 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup of skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Lunch: Soup (100 cals) and turkey sandwich (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: Slice of Pepperidge Farm Dark Pump bread and one tbs. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad- iceberg lettuce, onion, chicken breast and vinaigrette dressing
Snack: Serving of chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
AM: 31 minutes treadmill
PM: 21 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup of skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, 1/4 apple and Splenda
Lunch: Soup (100 cals) and turkey sandwich (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: Slice of Pepperidge Farm Dark Pump bread and one tbs. peanut butter
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: Salad- iceberg lettuce, onion, chicken breast and vinaigrette dressing
Snack: Serving of chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, January 18
Today I added different weight training exercises to my program. It's crunch time. I am half-way through the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge and I have to work very hard over through the end of February if I am going to win.
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: Omelet- two eggs, onion, garlic, crumbled bacon, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: 1/2 salad with grilled chicken, feta, olives, peppers with vinaigrette dressing (small amount)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: 1/2 cup Muscle Bound Chili and rest of lunch salad
Snack: Chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: Omelet- two eggs, onion, garlic, crumbled bacon, 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: 1/2 salad with grilled chicken, feta, olives, peppers with vinaigrette dressing (small amount)
Afternoon snack: N/A
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: 1/2 cup Muscle Bound Chili and rest of lunch salad
Snack: Chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Lots of water
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, January 17
Busy day today and I was not able to eat my usual at home lunch...had to make due with a veggie platter and a bowl of nuts at the housewarming party this afternoon. I was so thankful there was a good choice of food for me, not all chips and sweets. Whew!!
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein with one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger, Splenda and half an apple
Lunch: N/A
Afternoon snack: Some veggies, couple of slices of cheese and 1/4 cup of nuts
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: One cup Muscle Bound Chili and 5 Ritz crackers
Snack: Chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Not enough water...out and about all day...
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein with one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger, Splenda and half an apple
Lunch: N/A
Afternoon snack: Some veggies, couple of slices of cheese and 1/4 cup of nuts
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: One cup Muscle Bound Chili and 5 Ritz crackers
Snack: Chocolate sugar-free pudding prepared with skim milk
Not enough water...out and about all day...
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, January 16

Most of my day was spent editing photographs of my fused glass art and I relished my evening workout since it gave me a reason to get off my butt and move around. I forgot my Fat Burner at lunch today and have now put the package on the kitchen counter to serve as a reminder. Am I losing my mind? I hope not!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Chest and Triceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Clam chowder (190 cals) and turkey sandwich (150 cals)
Afternoon snack: Slice of wasa and 2 tbs. peanut butter and one cup of skim milk
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: One cup Muscle Bound Chili and 5 Ritz crackers
Snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, January 15
Busy day...forgot to take the Fat Burner capsules at lunch AND dinner. Things get so hectic and next thing I know I am eating and I didn't take the capsules at the right time. Dinner was a very late affair so I am kind of glad I didn't take them before dinner...I might have been too pepped up to sleep!
New routines take time to master!
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
PM: 26 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Beef and barley soup (100 cals) and one slice wasa and 2 tbs. peanut butter
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella
Dinner: One cup Muscle Bound Chili and 5 Ritz crackers
Lots of water
New routines take time to master!
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
PM: 26 minutes treadmill
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Beef and barley soup (100 cals) and one slice wasa and 2 tbs. peanut butter
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella
Dinner: One cup Muscle Bound Chili and 5 Ritz crackers
Lots of water
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, January 14
Carlene, my trainer at Mommy's Body, sent over my new menu and a recipe for Muscle Bound Chili which looks like a rather tasty meal. I can't wait to go to the grocery store tomorrow for the ingredients. Allan will like it too. I didn't remember my lunch time Fat Burner today... better luck tomorrow! I need to add a lot more strength training to my workouts because I just feel like working harder. This challenge is addictive!!
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulder and Abs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in 6 oz. water
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: 8 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1 tbs. peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before pasta, sauce and baked chicken breast (leftovers)
Lots of water
AM: 42 minutes treadmill
PM: 20 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulder and Abs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in 6 oz. water
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: 8 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1 tbs. peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before pasta, sauce and baked chicken breast (leftovers)
Lots of water
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, January 11
Day two of taking two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules three times a day, 30 minutes before each meal. Still feeling good, notice I am not hungry at all due to eating a lot of protein. YAY!
AM: 36 minutes treadmill
PM: 24 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before Macaroni and cheese, homemade, about 1/2 cup and baked chicken breast
Lots of water
AM: 36 minutes treadmill
PM: 24 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Legs
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Afternoon snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before Macaroni and cheese, homemade, about 1/2 cup and baked chicken breast
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, January 12
Today I started taking two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules before each meal to see if I have different results from just taking two in the morning. I didn't eat my snacks today, not sure why. Allan and I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow to stock up on my food plan items. We are out of food...not good! I am feeling good and my visit to the chiropractor today went well. YAY!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before Macaroni and cheese, homemade, about one cup
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Back
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Lunch: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before 6 slices of turkey and 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules 30 minutes before Macaroni and cheese, homemade, about one cup
Lots of water
Allan Mueller,
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, January 12
Today was the typical busy day which made me thankful I had gotten my cardio in first thing in the morning. Allan and I had a family photo session this afternoon and I was busy the rest of the day catching up on things in the blogosphere. My evening meal was a treat of sorts and I tried not to over do it. I have really been pleased with the results I have gotten so far but I have got to kick it up for the remainder of the Transformation Challenge if I am going to even be close to winning.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: 7 slices turkey and 1/3 apple
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: 3 eggs, 3 slices of bacon and two pancakes with sugar-free syrup
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: 7 slices turkey and 1/3 apple
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Pre-dinner: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Dinner: 3 eggs, 3 slices of bacon and two pancakes with sugar-free syrup
Lots of water
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, January 10
Allan and I spent most of the day at Eskimo Escapades taking photographs of the event and even though I packed food and water, I didn't eat the food and purposely did not drink the water. See, if I drink more than a smidge of water I will have to go to the bathroom and I couldn't leave the camera and gear alone to go to the pot-o-potty. It was pretty far away and due to the nastiness of the weather none of our friends that I could have asked to watch our stuff happened by. Anyway, long story less long, I ate stuff not on my program today...oh yeah, and I had to get up early so I didn't do any cardio. Basically, I took a day off. It must have been my celebration of my one month anniversary of the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge!
AM: Tight Curves protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: Pulled pork on sandwich bun with BBQ sauce and a bag of chips (yes, I ate the chips even though I originally planned to give them to Allan)..cup of coffee
Dinner: Chicken breast and pasta with stewed tomatoes. 1/6th of a regular size Snickers (the Snickers are all gone now...TY Allan! :()
AM: Tight Curves protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: Pulled pork on sandwich bun with BBQ sauce and a bag of chips (yes, I ate the chips even though I originally planned to give them to Allan)..cup of coffee
Dinner: Chicken breast and pasta with stewed tomatoes. 1/6th of a regular size Snickers (the Snickers are all gone now...TY Allan! :()
Friday, January 9, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, January 9
Carlene from Mommy's Body came by today to check my progress and run some new tests with her nifty new machine that calculated my body fat and a ton of other exciting things. Carlene is awesome and knows exactly what everything the magical machine spit out means...so she can tell me what I need to focus on for the remainder of the Transformation Challenge. I am still on track and guess what...my metabolic age is 30. Cool, huh?!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Two slices Pepperidge Farm Thin Slice Bread- Wheat and 6 slices of turkey
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Lettuce, 6 slices of turkey, hard-boiled egg, 1/3 cup cottage cheese with balsamic vinegar
After dinner snack: Handful of popcorn
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: N/A
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Two slices Pepperidge Farm Thin Slice Bread- Wheat and 6 slices of turkey
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Lettuce, 6 slices of turkey, hard-boiled egg, 1/3 cup cottage cheese with balsamic vinegar
After dinner snack: Handful of popcorn
Lots of water
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, January 8
I can't wait for Carlene from Mommy's Body to come by tomorrow to see how I am transforming and do some re-measurements and give me some new nutritional menus. I can definitely tell a difference in my appearance and I hope she will notice too. One problem I have with myself being on this program is I don't think I am eating enough. I am starting to feel a little run down and I need to ask Carlene if this is normal or if I need to eat more. I forget to eat my little snack meals...
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Chest and triceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Two slices Pepperidge Farm Thin Slice Bread- Wheat and 5 slices of turkey
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Lettuce, can of tuna, hard-boiled egg, 1/3 cup cottage cheese with balsamic vinegar and a small serving of baked beans (about 1/4 cup) (My mom makes these great Boston Baked Beans and I have to eat them or her feelings will get hurt. I would rather do extra cardio and weight training than make her sad!)
After dinner snack: Allan shared 1/6th of his regular size Snickers bar with me. Not on the plan, but won't even think about a Snickers for another six weeks...
Lots of water!!!!
AM: 30 minutes treadmill
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Chest and triceps
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, ginger and Splenda
Morning snack: 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Two slices Pepperidge Farm Thin Slice Bread- Wheat and 5 slices of turkey
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter on wasa bread
Dinner: Lettuce, can of tuna, hard-boiled egg, 1/3 cup cottage cheese with balsamic vinegar and a small serving of baked beans (about 1/4 cup) (My mom makes these great Boston Baked Beans and I have to eat them or her feelings will get hurt. I would rather do extra cardio and weight training than make her sad!)
After dinner snack: Allan shared 1/6th of his regular size Snickers bar with me. Not on the plan, but won't even think about a Snickers for another six weeks...
Lots of water!!!!
Carlene Steenekamp,
Lisa Mueller,
Mommy's Body,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, January 7
Today's Challenge: What should I do when I know I am going to be eating a meal away from home? I should probably eat something on my program before I leave the house, but today I was really thinking about how much I enjoy the salad I had. I really look forward to my twice a month "meeting" with my fellow photographers AND this salad. I took a chance on eating it and hope it won't have any negative affects on my nutrition. It is salad after all...
I am really getting into my training and really try to get both of my cardio sessions in. I know, I probably have it a little easier than a some women because I don't have children to care for but I am trying to run two fledgling businesses and that can mean I don't always have a lot of free time. My goal every morning when I get up is to do my cardio just in case I get caught up in something or someone schedules a last minute photography session or I end up working late in the glass studio. Life happens. Sometimes it is just so much easier to take care of yourself before the rest of the world needs you attention.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
No weight training
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: N/A - late post-cardio and knew I would be having a larger than normal lunch
Lunch: Personal Fowl salad with blue cheese dressing at GridIron Burger
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter
Dinner: Chicken, rice and tomatoes with a little bit of grated Parmesan cheese
Lots of water!!!!
I am really getting into my training and really try to get both of my cardio sessions in. I know, I probably have it a little easier than a some women because I don't have children to care for but I am trying to run two fledgling businesses and that can mean I don't always have a lot of free time. My goal every morning when I get up is to do my cardio just in case I get caught up in something or someone schedules a last minute photography session or I end up working late in the glass studio. Life happens. Sometimes it is just so much easier to take care of yourself before the rest of the world needs you attention.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
No weight training
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves protein and one cup skim milk
Breakfast: N/A - late post-cardio and knew I would be having a larger than normal lunch
Lunch: Personal Fowl salad with blue cheese dressing at GridIron Burger
Afternoon snack: Tablespoon of peanut butter
Dinner: Chicken, rice and tomatoes with a little bit of grated Parmesan cheese
Lots of water!!!!
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Tuesday, January 6
I am doing great and definitely back on track! I am really enjoying my workouts especially since I have been in a bit of a funk. It makes me feel so much better to work up a sweat and work my muscles. YAY!!!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Shoulder and abs workout
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: NOTE: I tried to kill two meals with one and added the Tight Curves protein powder to 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda which I made with one cup of skim milk rather than water...It was disgusting. I LOVE the protein powder but it was yucky like this and I will not be doing it again.
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: N/A
Dinner: Lean steak and a small sweet potato
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Shoulder and abs workout
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: NOTE: I tried to kill two meals with one and added the Tight Curves protein powder to 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda which I made with one cup of skim milk rather than water...It was disgusting. I LOVE the protein powder but it was yucky like this and I will not be doing it again.
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: N/A
Dinner: Lean steak and a small sweet potato
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Monday, January 5, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Monday, January 5
Another good day! I had my weekly chiropractor appointment this morning and they worked some kinks out of my right hip and left shoulder so I didn't hurt so much during my evening cardio. I even ran a 1/4 mile on the treadmill! Next time I am going for a 1/2 mile.
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Leg workout
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in a cup of skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 apple
Dinner: Chicken breast tenders, cooked in garlic and onions and diced tomatoes served over rice (small serving of rice)
Lots of water
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Leg workout
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in a cup of skim milk
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 apple
Dinner: Chicken breast tenders, cooked in garlic and onions and diced tomatoes served over rice (small serving of rice)
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Sunday, January 4
Today was a great day as I continue to stay on track and maintain my commitment to the Tight Curves Transformation Challenge. I haven't officially weighed myself but I can tell that my weight and body shape have changed since December 10th. I was going to have Allan shoot some new photos on January 1st, but I think it would be better to do it on January 10th to show my first 30 day changes.
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Chicken breast tenders, cooked in garlic and onions and diced tomatoes served over linguine (small serving of pasta)
Lots of water
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules and 1/3 apple
Post-cardio: N/A
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal, teaspoon of flax and ginger, cinnamon and Splenda
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Chicken breast tenders, cooked in garlic and onions and diced tomatoes served over linguine (small serving of pasta)
Lots of water
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Saturday, January 3
Today I was feeling much better, more like myself and got back on my program. Yay! I had a good workout and felt very strong on the elliptical so I really pushed myself. I am glad things are finally back to normal!
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders and back workout
Breakfast: None
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Flank steak, mashed white potatoes (very small portion) prepared with skim milk (no butter or fats), small amount of spinach with Parmesan cheese, and some whole kernel corn (dinner was made up of leftovers and deviated a bit from my prescribed nutrition program)
Lots of water
PM: 30 minutes elliptical
Weight training: Shoulders and back workout
Breakfast: None
Pre-cardio: Two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese
Dinner: Flank steak, mashed white potatoes (very small portion) prepared with skim milk (no butter or fats), small amount of spinach with Parmesan cheese, and some whole kernel corn (dinner was made up of leftovers and deviated a bit from my prescribed nutrition program)
Lots of water
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
Friday, January 2, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Friday, January 2
What a way to start the New Year and the second third of the Tight Curves Challenge...still feeling crappy AND with a migraine. Ugh! But there is good news, I took my migraine medicine and I feel better now, and although it is the end of the day I am sure that tomorrow will be OK. I had a great nutritious dinner at a friend's house and I that made me feel a lot better. I need to get back on track with my nutrition and fitness program!! It's not only getting me in better physical condition, it's my stress relief and I definitely need that right now...
No nutrition and training to report today. I didn't eat poorly, I just didn't follow my program at all. No cardio and no weight training.
No nutrition and training to report today. I didn't eat poorly, I just didn't follow my program at all. No cardio and no weight training.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Training and Food Journal: Thursday, January 1
Happy New Year! I did not do a very good job of starting off the year right. I had a great evening ringing in the New Year; however, not only did I not get enough sleep, I had too much celebratory beverage and paid for it dearly today. I have no training to report, although I have been diligent and not missed a day of cardio in weeks, it is still no excuse. Today's diet was a wash as well. Tomorrow is a new day and I will start fresh. No need worrying too much about my missteps today.
I am cranking up my training as well so look for some new photographs of me showing my progress in the next day or so. It's a new year and I am ready for a new me!!
I am cranking up my training as well so look for some new photographs of me showing my progress in the next day or so. It's a new year and I am ready for a new me!!
Lisa Mueller,
Training and Food Journal: Wednesday, December 31
2008 comes to a close...
I am determined to stay on my fitness and nutrition plan as much as possible today; however, I will be ringing in the New Year with friends and won't be denying myself a bit of bubbly and a beer or two. Not overindulging...so I won't be angry with myself tomorrow. I will avoid eating anything not on my program tonight at the party and can feel good about myself that I am keeping on track with my nutrition. My dinner will include plenty of protein to keep me full through the evening. No temptation!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Chest and triceps
Pre-cardio: 1/4 apple and two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and lettuce and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Dinner: Chicken tenders and sweet potato
Lots of water
I ate some things not on my nutrition plan this evening at the New Year's Eve celebration, but overall not bad.
I am determined to stay on my fitness and nutrition plan as much as possible today; however, I will be ringing in the New Year with friends and won't be denying myself a bit of bubbly and a beer or two. Not overindulging...so I won't be angry with myself tomorrow. I will avoid eating anything not on my program tonight at the party and can feel good about myself that I am keeping on track with my nutrition. My dinner will include plenty of protein to keep me full through the evening. No temptation!
AM: 30 minutes elliptical
PM: 30 minutes treadmill
Weight training: Chest and triceps
Pre-cardio: 1/4 apple and two Tight Curves Fat Burner capsules
Post-cardio: Tight Curves Protein in one cup skim milk
Lunch: 2 slices Very Thin Pepperidge Farm wheat bread, 5 slices turkey breast and lettuce and 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
Afternoon snack: 1/3 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 apple
Dinner: Chicken tenders and sweet potato
Lots of water
I ate some things not on my nutrition plan this evening at the New Year's Eve celebration, but overall not bad.
Lisa Mueller,
Tight Curves,
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