Yesterday I sent in my "after" photos for the second 12 week Challenge in which I was chosen to participate. I have included all three sets of photographs- "before", "during" and "after". "After" is not the end though, so be on the look out for more progress photos in the future. Carlene came by yesterday morning and I stepped on the Magic Scale once a gain and...I am so excited with my results! I lost almost 3% more body fat and gained some lean muscle mass so I am definitely on my way to meeting my overall goals. My fabulously fit friend, Carlene, who is a personal trainer and owner of Mommy's Body Health & Wellness, spent over an hour with me showing me a whole new lower body weight training program including plyometrics that will build muscle in my legs and butt. I am sore today but it's that good sore that lets you know you have muscles being built.
All this just goes to show there is hope for a 43 year-old woman to get in the best shape of her life. It's not easy and it takes time, discipline, hard work and dedication. But I think it is worth, don't you?

These are the "before" photos from December 10, 2008
These are the "after" photos from February 28, 2009

These are the photographs from May 29, 2009...TRANSFORMING!!!